Where I’m From

I am from a dial phone that hung on the kitchen wall and television with only four channels, from Gee You Hair Smells Terrific, Dittos and a 1967 white Volkswagen square-back. 

I am from fake vinyl paneling in every single room, green shag carpet and knick-knacks, swamp coolers and an antique family0002grandfather clock, where the quarry sounds of dump trucks carried through open windows on warm summer nights and it didn’t feel like Saturday unless the garage door was open and the hood of a car was up. 

I am from hummingbirds drinking sugar water from the feeder outside Grandma’s kitchen window, Eucalyptus trees that lose branches on the neighbors lawn in rainstorms and brothers who are obsessed with catching lizards. 

I am from crawling into bed with Grandma and Grandpa, bacon and eggs on Saturday morning and getting to choose dinner on your birthday.  I am from talking loud and blue eyes, from Butch, Hetty and Harl, Bob and Mary and Fritzie. 

I am from the table where every single person orders blue cheese dressing on their salad.  I am from a strong work ethic, drinking to relieve the strong work ethic and anxiety attacks. 

From don’t do a half-assed job, be kind to one another, go to your room and I love you.

I am from the Catholic church where going to confession is rewarded with chocolate dipped cones from Dairy Queen, the blessed mother is the most women will get and no birth control…seriously? 

I’m from California, New York and Switzerland, from steak and tater tots, blueberry pancakes, stollen and coffee-milk. 

From making spaghetti sauce handprints on newly painted white walls with my best friend Lisa, from Harlan and John setting a field on fire, from Dad putting water on the slide and Mom’s reading at church about the Severe Salmon.  

I am from photo albums carefully preserved by Grandma and Mom, Franciscan Apple china in an antique breakfront, Grandpa’s chiming ship’s clock which really must be fixed and Grandma Teetsel’s wedding ring which now resides and will stay on my left hand. 

Thank you Adam Avitable for the idea and the prompt!

5 thoughts on “Where I’m From

  1. Maureen

    This is my favorite post so far. Absolutely my favorite! I am also Catholic and “From don’t do a half-assed job, be kind to one another, go to your room and I love you.” Totally love it – what a great way to define yourself!


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