Daily Archives: June 11, 2011

30 Days of Truth–Something you Never Get Compliments on

There’s a lot of things I don’t get compliments on but the thing that stands out most in my mind at the moment is my voice.  It’s OK.  I totally get why.  I do not have a very nice sounding voice.  Not only that but it’s really loud.  So not only have I ever heard someone tell me “You have a really nice voice” but I frequently hear people tell me “Can you keep your voice down?” 

My voice gets especially loud when I’m excited about something or talking on the phone.  It’s especially bothersome in the workplace.  I currently work in a cube environment and while I do try to keep mindful an use my “inside voice” as much as possible, I know my co-workers still get plenty to listen to from me.  They are all overly polite and nice and never tell me to shut up. 

I didn’t always have a loud voice.  When I was a kid I was very quiet and shy.  People used to tell me “Speak up little girl!  I can’t hear you.”  So I finally did.