Daily Archives: May 20, 2012

Seven Random Things (about me)

Guess what I saw the other day when I stopped over at, Practical Paralegalism? I saw that my favorite paralegal, Lynne DeVenny won an Awesome Blogger Award! It was no surprise to me of course, since anyone who reads her blog already knows that Lynne is a pretty awesome blogger as well as a snappy dresser.

In order to qualify for the award Lynne had to share 7 random things about herself and then, (surprise! surprise!) at the end of her post she nominated 7 more people to do the same, including me!!!

I am not only honored but am extremely grateful for the prompt because in case you haven’t noticed I’ve been pretty slow with the posting lately due to a severe case of blog block. Luckily the idea of share seven random facts about myself got my creative juices flowing. I enjoyed listening to that tap-tapping sound while I came up with this list:


1.  I repeated 4th grade.  Yep, they still did that back in the 70s.  Actually one of the reasons why I was held back is because I was extremely shy and a year younger than most of the other kids in my class.  By the time I hit 4th grade I was a complete loser with no friends and I couldn’t learn my times tables.  I gotta say, 4th grade was a lot easier the second time around. 

2. The school I went to was an experimental “open walled environment.” Each grade was in a single giant classroom, with three teachers and 90 kids. There was never a quiet moment during school hours. Hm…that might explain part of item number one.

3. I am a native Californian and have never lived outside of the state. In fact, I have never even lived outside of Alameda County. (Other than a brief sojourn in Santa Clara County my husband can make the same claim.)

4. I am a terrible driver and always have been. In fact, the legendary Jim Willis declared me the worst driver’s ed student in the history of Granada high.

5. I am not a fan of fruit. To all those people who say, “Gee, I love fruit! It’s so sweet and delicious” I say “Have fun and eat your fruit. Just please leave me out of it.” That said, I do my best to still eat some fruit every day because it’s supposed to be good for you but I don’t do it willingly. Bleh!

6. I went to school with Jill Whelan. You know, the girl who played Captain Stubing’s daughter on The Love Boat? She also played the sick girl in Airplane and had a short run TV series called Friends. (A different Friends…it was 1979.) Jill was in my junior high French class. I never spoke to her. She was always surrounded by a posse of admiring girls.

7. My grandfather was a chemist at Lederle Labs in the 1940s and worked on the team that helped develop penicillin.


OK, that last one is not really about me, but hey close enough right?

Thanks Lynne for the shout out and most of all the prompt!