Global Soap Shortage

Remember that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray comes back from a business trip and leaves his suitcase sitting in the middle of the hallway where it remains for 3 weeks because neither he nor Debra refuses to put it away?  That’s what its like at our house all the time.  Only the suitcase (Jerry’s) sits in the middle of our bedroom floor. 


Unlike Debra I do not refuse to remove the suitcase due to a battle of wills but rather I am frightened about what lurks inside.  Because after every business trip Jerry comes home with more hotel soap booty to add to his collection.  A collection that, due to Jerry’s insane travel schedule, has grown to proportions so big that it no longer fits under the bathroom cabinet and has recently been transferred to a box and overflowing trash bag. 


Here’s the bar that started it all.  Pretty!  And from an exotic locale (yes, I consider The Netherlands exotic). 

curacao soap 

I will admit, he’s brought home some pretty cool things.  Look at the outlay of free toiletries you get in Japanese hotels! 


Yes, that is a razor with shaving cream and a hair band! 

But it’s not all Anthony Bourdain.  More often than not Jerry’s travels are to not so exotic places.  Here are the slim pickin’s you get at the Laredo Doubletree: 


Unfortunately it eventually comes to this. 

Jerry packing soap

Preparing for the eventual global soap shortage can be stressful. 

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