Daily Archives: January 2, 2011

New Year’s Cleaning

The other day was carpet cleaning day at Jessopland.  We consider this to be a joint activity but really Jerry get all the glory of running the beast machine.  I get to “help” by holding the cord. 

Carpet cleaner

While the carpet cleaning project was technically inspired by a pile of cat puke left by Mrs. B, I decided to call this New Year’s cleaning and therefore got inspired to do a few other projects including the very satisfying activity of vacuuming up dust bunnies from under the bedroom furniture.  I also did a plastic-ware audit, a heartbreaking activity in which I bring all my plastic food storage containers out of the closet and match them up with a lid.  Stray pieces which can’t be matched up get tossed.  For some reason I always end up with more lids. 

plastic ware match up

None of these activities ever seems to take more than a half hour and I always feel accomplished when I’ve completed them.  It’s a great way to start out the new year.  I think I’ll continue today with washing out the garbage cans and oiling the wood tables. 

Do you do New Year’s cleaning?  What are your projects?