Daily Archives: February 19, 2011

Cruel Cat Mom or Clever Behaviorist?

We all know that cats live for their daily ration of wet food right?  A friend of mine gives his cats wet food for breakfast which I think is crazy because his cats start working him for food every morning before 5am.  This is one of the reasons why Mrs. B does not get her canned food until dinnertime.  Every evening when Jerry and I pull into the driveway we are greeted by a hungry purring cat. 

Unfortunately on the weekends, particularly when the weather has been nice and Mrs. B has been happily playing outside all day the rubbing, purring cat begging starts early, often before 4pm.  This drives me insane, particularly on Sunday afternoons which is when I usually try to write.  I can only ignore her for so long before the rubbing stops and the claws on my legs begin and eventually  I will give in and slap some Friskees buffet on a dish. 

Last weekend however I brought out my secret weapon and when the food begging began I pulled out the vacuum and ran it throughout the house.  It not only picked up Mrs. B’s persistent cat hair but also sent her hiding behind the couch where she stayed until Jerry wandered into the kitchen and started chopping onions.  (I was going to say “ran the can opener” which would have sounded much better but of course that would be a lie, god forbid.)  Scaring the already neurotic Mrs. B into submission with the vacuum cleaner made me feel like the cruelest cat mom ever but considering the 20 minutes it bought me to write this post it was well worth it! 

Mrs. B